Sunday, March 17, 2013

Moral Criticism: The Three Fishes from Panchatantra


The moral/intellectual critical approach is concerned with content and values.  The approach is as old as literature itself, for literature is a traditional mode of imparting morality, philosophy, and religion.  The concern in moral/intellectual criticism is not only to discover meaning but also to determine whether works of literature are both true and significant.

To study literature from the moral/intellectual perspective is therefore to determine whether a work conveys a lesson or message and whether it can help readers lead better lives and improve their understanding of the world: What ideas does the work contain?  How strongly does the work bring forth its ideas?  What application do the ideas have to the work’s characters and situations?  How may the ideas be evaluated intellectually?  Morally?  Discussions based on such questions do not imply that literature is primarily a medium of moral and intellectual exhortation.  Ideally, moral/intellectual criticism should differ from sermonizing to the degree that readers should always be left with their own decisions about whether to assimilate the ideas of a work and about whether the ideas—and values—are personally or morally acceptable.

Sophisticated critics have sometimes demeaned the moral/intellectual approach on the grounds that “message hunting” reduces a work’s artistic value by treating it like a sermon or political speech; but the approach will be valuable as long as readers expect literature to be applicable to their own lives.


Once upon a time there lived three fishes in a big pond. They were all friendly and happy. Each fish was different from the other is character. The first fish was very wise, the second fish was very clever and the third fish always believed in destiny. The third fish believed that what was meant to happen would happen. One day some fishermen were passing by, they saw the big pond and said to each other, “there seems to be a lot of fishes in this pond, since we already have a good catch today we will come back tomorrow”. The wise fish overheard the fishermen and was dumbfounded. The wise fish rushed to her friends. She was breathless and terrified. She quickly informed them of the fishermen’s plans. The clever fish immediately told the wise fish that they should go somewhere else. The wise fish thought for some time and came up with a plan. She told her friends that they should leave that place immediately, by swimming fast we could reach another pond where they would be safe. The clever fish was not ready to leave immediately. She was confident of her ability to escape. She wanted to wait till the fishermen arrived. The third fish who believed in destiny was not ready to leave the pond. She said that the pond belonged to her fore fathers and she had lived in that pond all her life so she would not go anywhere. The wise fish left the pond at once, she swam and swam away from the pond and through a canal reached another pond. She heaved a sigh of relief that she was finally safe. Early next morning the fishermen returned to the pond. They had come prepared with a net. The clever fish saw them coming from a distance and she too left the pond at once and swam away to safety. The fishermen spread their net and caught many fishes. The third fish was caught too. It struggled helplessly. The fishermen grabbed it and killed it. 



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